Theoretical And Applied: PSYCHOLINGUISTICS

Theoretical And Applied: PSYCHOLINGUISTICS

Mohammad Halili; Fatimatus Zahroh

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This book is purposefully written to offer theoretical and practical insights into the field of Psycholinguistics the interdisciplinary linguistics areas concerning the language processing in the brain how language is acquired or learned and how language is taught Meeting the combination between psycholinguistic principles and hands on experiences the readers may gain valuable advice for their real world application One of the topics covered is the stages in childrenThis book is purposefully written to offer theoretical and practical insights into the field of Psycholinguistics the interdisciplinary linguistics areas concerning the language processing in the brain how language is acquired or learned and how language is taught Meeting the combination between psycholinguistic principles and hands on experiences the readers may ...


MLA Style
Halili, Mohammad dan Fatimatus Zahroh. Theoretical And Applied: PSYCHOLINGUISTICS. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Halili, Mohammad dan Fatimatus Zahroh. Theoretical And Applied: PSYCHOLINGUISTICS. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2022.
Turabian Style
Halili, Mohammad dan Fatimatus Zahroh. Theoretical And Applied: PSYCHOLINGUISTICS. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2022.
APA Style
Halili, Mohammad dan Fatimatus Zahroh. (2022). Theoretical And Applied: PSYCHOLINGUISTICS. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab.
Harvard Style
Halili, Mohammad dan Fatimatus Zahroh, 2022, Theoretical And Applied: PSYCHOLINGUISTICS, Penerbit Adab, Indramayu.
IEEE Style
Mohammad Halili dan Fatimatus Zahroh. Theoretical And Applied: PSYCHOLINGUISTICS. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2022.

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