Cengage Advantage: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals (with Keyboard for Piano and Guitar)

Cengage Advantage: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals (with Keyboard for Piano and Guitar)


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Explore the fundamentals of music and try your hand at creating music with Internationally renowned composer William Duckworth in the Advantage Edition of the best selling A CREATIVE APPROACH TO MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS 11th Edition This creative reader friendly text meets you in your comfort zone by taking differing student abilities into consideration covering music fundamentals in 15 concise chapters and 11 enrichment appendices Duckworth guides you in learning the basics and gives you the opportunity to apply your knowledge in realistic music situations The optional CourseMate learning environment includes Music Fundamentals in Action an interactive online tutorial that offers with personalized study plans and podcasts from the author Explore the fundamentals of music and try your hand at creating music with Internationally renowned composer William Duckworth in the Advantage Edition of the best selling A CREATIVE APPROACH TO MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS 11th Edition This creative reader friendly text meets you in your comfort zone by taking differing student abilities into ...


MLA Style
Duckworth. Cengage Advantage: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals (with Keyboard for Piano and Guitar). : Cengage, 2015. Online.
Chicago Style
Duckworth. Cengage Advantage: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals (with Keyboard for Piano and Guitar). : Cengage, 2015.
Turabian Style
Duckworth. Cengage Advantage: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals (with Keyboard for Piano and Guitar). : Cengage, 2015.
APA Style
Duckworth. (2015). Cengage Advantage: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals (with Keyboard for Piano and Guitar). : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Duckworth, 2015, Cengage Advantage: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals (with Keyboard for Piano and Guitar), Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Duckworth. Cengage Advantage: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals (with Keyboard for Piano and Guitar). : Cengage, 2015.

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