“The Unbreakable Bond of Life”

“The Unbreakable Bond of Life”

Dewi Sulistyowati Pratiwi

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Deskripsi Buku

I share my experience with my story of life toall of you that lifes beautiful and full of joy but sometimes bad experiment I got it too It is possible that life is never enough withoutyou I love all of you so much my word is never to describe When I take moment and think of you my heart is always melted to love does not need a reason some points that if you have fallen to someone just says that you love him her Dont pretend of true love to be honest falling inlove is sweet and you will be like butterfly to fly high in the sky and feel that you touch the moon I share my experience with my story of life toall of you that lifes beautiful and full of joy but sometimes bad experiment I got it too It is possible that life is never enough withoutyou I love all of you so much my word is never to describe When I ...


MLA Style
Pratiwi, Dewi Sulistyowati. “The Unbreakable Bond of Life”. Surabaya: CV. Cipta Media Edukasi, 2018. Online.
Chicago Style
Pratiwi, Dewi Sulistyowati. “The Unbreakable Bond of Life”. Surabaya: CV. Cipta Media Edukasi, 2018.
Turabian Style
Pratiwi, Dewi Sulistyowati, “The Unbreakable Bond of Life”. Surabaya: CV. Cipta Media Edukasi, 2018.
APA Style
Pratiwi, Dewi Sulistyowati. (2018). “The Unbreakable Bond of Life”. Surabaya: CV. Cipta Media Edukasi.
Harvard Style
Pratiwi, Dewi Sulistyowati, 2018, “The Unbreakable Bond of Life”, CV. Cipta Media Edukasi, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Dewi Sulistyowati Pratiwi, “The Unbreakable Bond of Life”. Surabaya: CV. Cipta Media Edukasi, 2018.

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