Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume II: Since 1450

Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume II: Since 1450


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SOCIETIES NETWORKS AND TRANSITIONS connects the different regions of the world within and across chapters and explores broader global themes in part opening essays to show you world history in a truly global framework The text also features a strong focus on culture and religion Author and veteran teacher Craig Lockard incorporates interesting notes about cultural artifacts such as music and art Chapter outlines with focus questions section summaries pronunciation guides and marginal key term definitions support you as you explore the interconnectedness of different people places and periods in the global past SOCIETIES NETWORKS AND TRANSITIONS connects the different regions of the world within and across chapters and explores broader global themes in part opening essays to show you world history in a truly global framework The text also features a strong focus on culture and religion Author and veteran teacher Craig Lockard ...


MLA Style
Lockard. Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume II: Since 1450. : Cengage, 2015. Online.
Chicago Style
Lockard. Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume II: Since 1450. : Cengage, 2015.
Turabian Style
Lockard. Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume II: Since 1450. : Cengage, 2015.
APA Style
Lockard. (2015). Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume II: Since 1450. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Lockard, 2015, Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume II: Since 1450, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Lockard. Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume II: Since 1450. : Cengage, 2015.

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