Nutrition Now, Enhanced Edition

Nutrition Now, Enhanced Edition

Judith E. Brown

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Deskripsi Buku

NUTRITION NOW ENHANCED 8th Edition engages students and provides maximum flexibility for instructors Judith Brown introduces the science of nutrition to non majors through active learning opportunities and real world examples Special features like Reality Checks and Take Action help students apply the material to their personal lives The 33 modular units enable instructors to easily select material including foundational topics such as diet planning and tracking the macronutrients vitamins and minerals exercise pregnancy and lactation global issues and much more This edition catches up with advances in the field of nutrition including MyPlate resources healthy dietary patterns and physical activity recommendations The text is available with MindTap the most engaging and easily personalized online solution in Nutrition that enables instructors to deliver what they know is best for their students NUTRITION NOW ENHANCED 8th Edition engages students and provides maximum flexibility for instructors Judith Brown introduces the science of nutrition to non majors through active learning opportunities and real world examples Special features like Reality Checks and Take Action help students apply the material to their personal lives The 33 modular ...


MLA Style
Brown, Judith E. Nutrition Now, Enhanced Edition. United States of America: Cengage, 2020. Online.
Chicago Style
Brown, Judith E. Nutrition Now, Enhanced Edition. United States of America: Cengage, 2020.
Turabian Style
Brown, Judith E. Nutrition Now, Enhanced Edition. United States of America: Cengage, 2020.
APA Style
Brown, Judith E. (2020). Nutrition Now, Enhanced Edition. United States of America: Cengage.
Harvard Style
Brown, Judith E., 2020, Nutrition Now, Enhanced Edition, Cengage, United States of America.
IEEE Style
Judith E. Brown. Nutrition Now, Enhanced Edition. United States of America: Cengage, 2020.

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