Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills

Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills


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Preface F irst of all thanks to God Allah SWT for His blessing and guidance so that the writer finished writing this book This book Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills is the first of series for junior high school students book that has been developed based on the Revised 2013 National Curriculum There are four chapters in this book In this section there are various drills which are made with comprehensive skills that are ageappropriate user friendly environmentally aware and easy to comprehend The exercises are designed to support material presented in each unit and the ongoing process of education Hopefully this book will be able to assist the readers especially the students of Junior High School to gain more knowledge about the English subject January 2021 The writer Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills iiiPreface F irst of all thanks to God Allah SWT for His blessing and guidance so that the writer finished writing this book This book Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills is the first of series for junior high school students book that has been developed ...


MLA Style
Evalusiana. Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021. Online.
Chicago Style
Evalusiana. Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021.
Turabian Style
Evalusiana. Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021.
APA Style
Evalusiana. (2021). Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru.
Harvard Style
Evalusiana, 2021, Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills, CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Evalusiana. Introducing English Course for Junior High School Students with Practice Drills. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021.

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