Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare

Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare

Karen K. Kirst-Ashman

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Deskripsi Buku

Designed to give you a solid introduction to the profession of social work INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE 5th Edition helps you understand the issues that social workers address every day Using a clear and engaging writing style author Karen K Kirst Ashman presents a balanced overview within a unifying theme of critical thinking that will train you to use evaluative skills in your coursework and beyond In addition you ll study more efficiently and effectively with accompanying digital resources that provide you with opportunities to complete self assessments as well as pre and post tests for each chapter Thoughtful case studies throughout the text help to prepare you for your career by showing you what social work practice looks like in different contexts and with different populations Designed to give you a solid introduction to the profession of social work INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE 5th Edition helps you understand the issues that social workers address every day Using a clear and engaging writing style author Karen K Kirst Ashman presents a balanced overview within a ...


MLA Style
Kirst-Ashman. Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare. : Cengage, 2017. Online.
Chicago Style
Kirst-Ashman. Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare. : Cengage, 2017.
Turabian Style
Kirst-Ashman. Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare. : Cengage, 2017.
APA Style
Kirst-Ashman. (2017). Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Kirst-Ashman, 2017, Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Kirst-Ashman. Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare. : Cengage, 2017.

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