Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Sociology

Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Sociology


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Packed with current examples you can easily relate to Tischler s INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY 11E delivers comprehensive up to date coverage in a succinct and affordable format The author begins by equipping you with tools for success including tips for how to read study and take tests more effectively A built in study guide and practice tests ensure thorough understanding The text threads two basic ideas throughout sociology is a rigorous scientific discipline and basic knowledge of sociology is essential for understanding social interaction in many work and social settings With its streamlined 16 chapters INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY 11E delivers cutting edge coverage that is concise yet thorough and makes sociology completely accessible Available with InfoTrac Student Collections http gocengage com infotrac Packed with current examples you can easily relate to Tischler s INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY 11E delivers comprehensive up to date coverage in a succinct and affordable format The author begins by equipping you with tools for success including tips for how to read study and take tests more effectively A ...


MLA Style
Tischler. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Sociology. : Cengage, 2014. Online.
Chicago Style
Tischler. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Sociology. : Cengage, 2014.
Turabian Style
Tischler. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Sociology. : Cengage, 2014.
APA Style
Tischler. (2014). Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Sociology. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Tischler, 2014, Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Sociology, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Tischler. Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Sociology. : Cengage, 2014.

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