Sociology of Deviant Behavior

Sociology of Deviant Behavior


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Looking for a textbook with simplified terminology and plenty of study help SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR hits the hot topics from terrorism to white collar crime and shows you how sociological theory explains them You ll also read about such timely topics as the General Motors ignition problem the changing moral landscape regarding gay marriage and marijuana use and the importance of social media in facilitating deviant acts Now in its fifteenth edition this textbook continues to be the leader in its market When you read it you ll see why Looking for a textbook with simplified terminology and plenty of study help SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR hits the hot topics from terrorism to white collar crime and shows you how sociological theory explains them You ll also read about such timely topics as the General Motors ignition problem the changing moral ...


MLA Style
Clinard/Meier. Sociology of Deviant Behavior. : Cengage, 2016. Online.
Chicago Style
Clinard/Meier. Sociology of Deviant Behavior. : Cengage, 2016.
Turabian Style
Clinard/Meier. Sociology of Deviant Behavior. : Cengage, 2016.
APA Style
Clinard/Meier. (2016). Sociology of Deviant Behavior. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Clinard/Meier, 2016, Sociology of Deviant Behavior, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Clinard/Meier. Sociology of Deviant Behavior. : Cengage, 2016.

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