Proficiency in writing a coherent paragraph is a foundation to write a longer text such as essay writing academic writing The students less proficiency in writing a coherent paragraph often becomes a problem in writing a longer text Therefore learning paragraph writing needs to be emphasized This book is designed to teach paragraph writing for intermediate level students in a college It is written based on genre based approach which provides the stages of Building Knowledge of the Field Modeling Joint Construction and Independent Construction In this book building knowledge is presented in Instructional materials stage where explicit teaching is done by explaining the paragraph components the technical terms etc Model paragraphs are presented in the Modeling stage Joint construction and independent construction are presented in Exercises stage The students learning activities are mainly done in the Exercises stage that among others covers 1 Working with text 2 Let s create In Working with text the students analyze paragraphs good paragraphs and bad paragraphs The analysis activities are relevant with case based learning that aims at promoting analysis competence In Let s create the students create paragraphs in pairs in groups and individually These creating activities are relevant with project based learning that aims at promoting create competence Hopefully this book is useful Proficiency in writing a coherent paragraph is a foundation to write a longer text such as essay writing academic writing The students less proficiency in writing a coherent paragraph often becomes a problem in writing a longer text Therefore learning paragraph writing needs to be emphasized This book is designed to ...teach paragraph writing for intermediate level students in a college It is written based on genre based approach which provides the stages of Building Knowledge of the Field Modeling Joint Construction and Independent Construction In this book building knowledge is presented in Instructional materials stage where explicit teaching is done by explaining the paragraph components the technical terms etc Model paragraphs are presented in the Modeling stage Joint construction and independent construction are presented in Exercises stage The students learning activities are mainly done in the Exercises stage that among others covers 1 Working with text 2 Let s create In Working with text the students analyze paragraphs good paragraphs and bad paragraphs The analysis activities are relevant with case based learning that aims at promoting analysis competence In Let s create the students create paragraphs in pairs in groups and individually These creating activities are relevant with project based learning that aims at promoting create competence Hopefully this book is useful