Whispers of Hope

Whispers of Hope

Lely Novia; dkk

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Deskripsi Buku

Whispers of Hope is a poetry anthology that shows the essence of hope and resilience It takes readers on a journey of how hope helps us overcome challenges The poems are diverse beautiful and wise They show the human spirit the power of hope and the strength of the written word The anthology is a source of comfort and inspiration for anyone who needs hope in difficult times It invites readers to enjoy the beauty of poetry and the impact of hope on our lives Whispers of Hope is a poetry anthology that shows the essence of hope and resilience It takes readers on a journey of how hope helps us overcome challenges The poems are diverse beautiful and wise They show the human spirit the power of hope and the strength of the written ...


MLA Style
Novia, Lely, dkk. Whispers of Hope. Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
Novia, Lely, dkk. Whispers of Hope. Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2023.
Turabian Style
Novia, Lely, dkk. Whispers of Hope. Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2023.
APA Style
Novia, Lely, dkk. (2023). Whispers of Hope. Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya.
Harvard Style
Novia, Lely, dkk, 2023, Whispers of Hope, Ananta Vidya, Yogyakarta.
IEEE Style
Lely Novia, dkk. Whispers of Hope. Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2023.

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