What do you want us to be?

What do you want us to be?

Keira Zenovia Raditya Makmur

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Getting a freedom of speech is not as easy Hence the freedom of speech is caused by the freedom of thought Moreover for teenagers it is not an easy way This book is a form of self expression and freedom of speech It is from a mildly open minded It is also an opinionated teenager who feels the responsibility to fix every social psychological and economic issue that exists Informing you about things the news doesn t want to cover This is a book about what a Gen Z thinks about world issues and about issues that teenagers go through Go and get it Getting a freedom of speech is not as easy Hence the freedom of speech is caused by the freedom of thought Moreover for teenagers it is not an easy way This book is a form of self expression and freedom of speech It is from a mildly open minded It ...


MLA Style
Makmur, Keira Zenovia Raditya. What do you want us to be?. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021. Online.
Chicago Style
Makmur, Keira Zenovia Raditya. What do you want us to be?. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021.
Turabian Style
Makmur, Keira Zenovia Raditya. What do you want us to be?. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021.
APA Style
Makmur, Keira Zenovia Raditya. (2021). What do you want us to be?. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru.
Harvard Style
Makmur, Keira Zenovia Raditya, 2021, What do you want us to be?, CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Keira Zenovia Raditya Makmur. What do you want us to be?. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021.

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