Welcome to Australia : Cultural and Language Learning Tour

Welcome to Australia : Cultural and Language Learning Tour

Muh Hamzah Zaidin

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This book contains stories and poems about the author s visit to Australia under Sister School Relationship from 1998 through 2017 and High School Educators Visit to Japan in 2007 The author has been to many places in both countries In the visit to Australia the author took some groups of students from SMA Negeri 2 Makassar for intercultural learning and language acquisition first hand During the visit the students were hosted by home stay families and went to destination school to experience teaching and learning processes in the Australian school classrooms as well as visited some tourist destination During the visit to both countries the author found lots of impressive experiences that he thought very meaningful to share to the readers of all ages The author would like to declare that cross cultural understanding and experiences is really needed to cope with the global competition in all aspects of life This book contains stories and poems about the author s visit to Australia under Sister School Relationship from 1998 through 2017 and High School Educators Visit to Japan in 2007 The author has been to many places in both countries In the visit to Australia the author took some groups of ...


MLA Style
Zaidin, Muh Hamzah. Welcome to Australia : Cultural and Language Learning Tour . Kediri: CV Cakrawala Satria Mandiri, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
Zaidin, Muh Hamzah. Welcome to Australia : Cultural and Language Learning Tour . Kediri: CV Cakrawala Satria Mandiri, 2023.
Turabian Style
Zaidin, Muh Hamzah. Welcome to Australia : Cultural and Language Learning Tour . Kediri: CV Cakrawala Satria Mandiri, 2023.
APA Style
Zaidin, Muh Hamzah. (2023). Welcome to Australia : Cultural and Language Learning Tour . Kediri: CV Cakrawala Satria Mandiri.
Harvard Style
Zaidin, Muh Hamzah, 2023, Welcome to Australia : Cultural and Language Learning Tour , CV Cakrawala Satria Mandiri, Kediri.
IEEE Style
Muh Hamzah Zaidin. Welcome to Australia : Cultural and Language Learning Tour . Kediri: CV Cakrawala Satria Mandiri, 2023.

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