Drawing from Herbert Zettl s vast expertise as an Emmy award winning producer director and innovator VIDEO BASICS 8th Edition delivers the most authoritative current and technically accurate student guide to video production available Meeting the need for a briefer book than the more comprehensive TELEVISION PRODUCTION HANDBOOK the eighth edition of VIDEO BASICS presents thorough yet streamlined video instruction that can be covered in a single semester It moves students from video concepts and processes to production tools and techniques and ultimately the production environment studio and field indoors and out and its effects A more conceptual framework leads students from the idea what to create to the image how to create on video In addition the accompanying MindTap Radio Television Film provides an interactive digital experience to help students ensure their course success Drawing from Herbert Zettl s vast expertise as an Emmy award winning producer director and innovator VIDEO BASICS 8th Edition delivers the most authoritative current and technically accurate student guide to video production available Meeting the need for a briefer book than the more comprehensive TELEVISION PRODUCTION HANDBOOK the eighth edition ...of VIDEO BASICS presents thorough yet streamlined video instruction that can be covered in a single semester It moves students from video concepts and processes to production tools and techniques and ultimately the production environment studio and field indoors and out and its effects A more conceptual framework leads students from the idea what to create to the image how to create on video In addition the accompanying MindTap Radio Television Film provides an interactive digital experience to help students ensure their course success