VEKTORA : JURNAL VEKTOR DAN RESERVOIR PENYAKIT  Journal of Vector Borne and Reservoir Diseases Volume 2 Nomor 2 Oktober 2010

VEKTORA : JURNAL VEKTOR DAN RESERVOIR PENYAKIT Journal of Vector Borne and Reservoir Diseases Volume 2 Nomor 2 Oktober 2010

Damar Tri Boewono; Lulus Susanti; Hasan Boesri; Akhid D; Ali R; Lulus S; Aryani Pujiyanti; Wiwik Trapsilowati; Retno Ambar Yuniarti; Nani Sukasediati; Blondine Ch. P.; Ristiyanto; Akhid Darwin; Farida D.H.; Ristiyanto; B. Yuliadi; Sukarno; Muhidin;

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Deskripsi Buku

EFEKTIVITAS LARVASIDA INSECT GROWTH REGULATOR IGR BERBAHAN AKTIF PYRIPROXIFEN 0 5 TERHADAP JENTIK NYAMUK VEKTOR MALARIA Anopheles aconitus KONDISI LABORATORIUM Damar Tri Boewono Lulus Susanti Hasan Boesri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit Jl Hasanudin 123 Salatiga Jawa Tengah Indonesia Tip 0298 327096 Fax 0298 322064 LARVASIDA EFFECTIVENESS OF INSECT GROWTH REGULATOR IGR BASED ON PYRIPROXIFEN 0 5 AGAINST MALARIA VECTOR Anopheles aconitus LARVAE UNDER LABORATORY CONDITIONS ABSTRACT A Study of the larvacide efficacy of Insect Growth Regulator IGR with the active ingredient pyriproxifen 0 5 has been conducted in the laboratory of the Institute for Vector and Reservoir Control Research and Development Salatiga City Central Java Province The study was caried out on December 2009 performed as laboratory scale trial using plastic trays 20x30 cm Each tray contains 5 liters of water added with pyriproxifen concentration 2 g m3 A total 25 early third instar larvae of malaria vector An aconitus were placed in each treated tray 10 replicates as well as untreated trays as the control 5 replicates The larvae mortality was daily counted and recorded The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of IGR larvicide a i pyriproxifen 0 5 granule formulation against malaria vector larvae An aconitus in the laboratory condition The result was revealed that IGR pyriproxifen 0 5 was effective caused 100 emergence inhibition and made 13 days longer viability of An aconitus in immature stages development long life of An aconitus immature stages development Some larvae were found growing to be adult with various defected due to uncompleted metamorphosis such as their small wings and legs are attached to pupal skin Key Words Larvacide Larvae Anopheles aconitus ABSTRAK Sebuah Studi tentang kemanjuran larvasida dari Serangga Pertumbuhan Regulator IGR dengan bahan pyriproxifen aktif 0 5 telah dilakukan di laboratorium Institut Vector dan Reservoir Control Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kota Salatiga Jawa Tengah Penelitian ini caried keluar pada bulan Desember 2009 dilakukan sebagai uji coba skala laboratorium dengan menggunakan nampan plastik 20x30 cm Setiap baki berisi 5 liter air ditambah dengan konsentrasi pyriproxifen2 g m3 Sebuah 25 total awal instar ketiga dari vektor malaria An aconitus ditempatkan di setiap baki diperlakukan 10 ulangan serta baki tidak diobati sebagai kontrol 5 ulangan Mortalitas larva dihitung dan dicatat setiap hari Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi efikasi larvasida IGR ai pyriproxifen 0 5 formulasi granula terhadap vektor malaria larva An aconitus pada kondisi laboratorium Hasilnya terungkap bahwa IGR pyriproxifen 0 5 adalah efektif disebabkan penghambatan 100 kemunculan dan membuat kelangsungan hidup 13 hari lagi An aconitus dalam pembangunan tahap kehidupan belum menghasilkan panjang An aconitus dewasa tahap pembangunan Beberapa larva ditemukan tumbuh menjadi dewasa dengan berbagai membelot karena metamorfosis belum selesai seperti sayap kecil merekadan kaki melekat pada kulit kepompong Kata Kunci Larvasida Larva Anoheles aconitus JURNAL VEKTORA VOL UNO 2 87EFEKTIVITAS LARVASIDA INSECT GROWTH REGULATOR IGR BERBAHAN AKTIF PYRIPROXIFEN 0 5 TERHADAP JENTIK NYAMUK VEKTOR MALARIA Anopheles aconitus KONDISI LABORATORIUM Damar Tri Boewono Lulus Susanti Hasan Boesri Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit Jl Hasanudin 123 Salatiga Jawa Tengah Indonesia Tip 0298 327096 Fax 0298 322064 LARVASIDA ...


MLA Style
Boewono, Damar Tri, dkk. VEKTORA : JURNAL VEKTOR DAN RESERVOIR PENYAKIT Journal of Vector Borne and Reservoir Diseases Volume 2 Nomor 2 Oktober 2010. Salatiga: B2P2VRP, 2010. Online.
Chicago Style
Boewono, Damar Tri, dkk. VEKTORA : JURNAL VEKTOR DAN RESERVOIR PENYAKIT Journal of Vector Borne and Reservoir Diseases Volume 2 Nomor 2 Oktober 2010. Salatiga: B2P2VRP, 2010.
Turabian Style
Boewono, Damar Tri, dkk, VEKTORA : JURNAL VEKTOR DAN RESERVOIR PENYAKIT Journal of Vector Borne and Reservoir Diseases Volume 2 Nomor 2 Oktober 2010. Salatiga: B2P2VRP, 2010.
APA Style
Boewono, Damar Tri, dkk. (2010). VEKTORA : JURNAL VEKTOR DAN RESERVOIR PENYAKIT Journal of Vector Borne and Reservoir Diseases Volume 2 Nomor 2 Oktober 2010. Salatiga: B2P2VRP.
Harvard Style
Boewono, Damar Tri, dkk, 2010, VEKTORA : JURNAL VEKTOR DAN RESERVOIR PENYAKIT Journal of Vector Borne and Reservoir Diseases Volume 2 Nomor 2 Oktober 2010, B2P2VRP, Salatiga.
IEEE Style
Damar Tri Boewono, dkk. VEKTORA : JURNAL VEKTOR DAN RESERVOIR PENYAKIT Journal of Vector Borne and Reservoir Diseases Volume 2 Nomor 2 Oktober 2010. Salatiga: B2P2VRP, 2010.

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ISSN: 2085-868X

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