Featuring current research high quality scholarship and an appealing design UNDERSTANDING ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR 11th Edition is a balanced clear introduction to abnormal psychology Fully updated to reflect the new DSM 5 the new edition features the Multipath Model of Mental Disorders which visually and conceptually explains how mental illnesses are caused Throughout the book a focus on resilience highlights prevention and recovery from the symptoms of various disorders This edition also continues its emphasis on the multicultural sociocultural and diversity aspects of abnormal psychology The authors present material in a lively and engaging manner connecting topics to real world case studies current events and issues of particular importance and relevance to today s college students Overall the book presents an evenhanded treatment of abnormal psychology as both a scientific and a clinical endeavor Featuring current research high quality scholarship and an appealing design UNDERSTANDING ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR 11th Edition is a balanced clear introduction to abnormal psychology Fully updated to reflect the new DSM 5 the new edition features the Multipath Model of Mental Disorders which visually and conceptually explains how mental illnesses are caused ...Throughout the book a focus on resilience highlights prevention and recovery from the symptoms of various disorders This edition also continues its emphasis on the multicultural sociocultural and diversity aspects of abnormal psychology The authors present material in a lively and engaging manner connecting topics to real world case studies current events and issues of particular importance and relevance to today s college students Overall the book presents an evenhanded treatment of abnormal psychology as both a scientific and a clinical endeavor