Townscape: Heritage Site Revitalization

Townscape: Heritage Site Revitalization

Respati Wikantiyoso; Nadzirah Zainordin; Nurul Aini

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This book results from the collaboration between the Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering Merdeka University of Malang and the School of Architecture and Built Environment UCSI University Malaysia Both institutions have created an academic atmosphere through this collaboration especially in developing scientific study programs The Urban and Human Settlement Laboratory Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering Merdeka Malang University initiated this chapter project The twenty six authors with diverse scientific expertise and experience collaborated to produce this book This compilation of manuscripts is expected to be an academic source and source of inspiration for practitioners policymakers and the wider community involved in preserving historic environments Revitalization of Urban Heritage Areas is intended to provide a reference for the broader community on the understanding and implementing urban area revitalization within the framework of cultural heritage Revitalizing historic areas is an integrated initiative that aligns respect for historical heritage with the demands of current and future communities while still paying attention to the heritage of urban heritage areas Amidst the rapid pace of urbanization cultural heritage areas face increasing vulnerability to degradation neglect or potential damage Conversely protecting historic places can be a driving force for sustainable economic social and cultural progress This book systematically responds to these challenges offering a framework for preserving and revitalizing the intrinsic and extrinsic values of the City This work is expected to be an essential reference for individuals involved in conservation efforts including academic research and practical applications We express our most profound appreciation to the authors for their outstanding contributions and to all individuals who have facilitated the publication of this book We hope that this book will generate significant benefits and act as a catalyst for preserving historic urban landscapes We wish you an intellectually enriching reading experience and let us work together to protect our cultural heritage for the benefit of future generations This book results from the collaboration between the Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering Merdeka University of Malang and the School of Architecture and Built Environment UCSI University Malaysia Both institutions have created an academic atmosphere through this collaboration especially in developing scientific study programs The Urban and Human Settlement Laboratory ...


MLA Style
Wikantiyoso, Respati, Nadzirah Zainordin dan Nurul Aini. Townscape: Heritage Site Revitalization. Kab. Bogor: Divya Media Pustaka, 2025. Online.
Chicago Style
Wikantiyoso, Respati, Nadzirah Zainordin dan Nurul Aini. Townscape: Heritage Site Revitalization. Kab. Bogor: Divya Media Pustaka, 2025.
Turabian Style
Wikantiyoso, Respati, Nadzirah Zainordin dan Nurul Aini. Townscape: Heritage Site Revitalization. Kab. Bogor: Divya Media Pustaka, 2025.
APA Style
Wikantiyoso, Respati, Nadzirah Zainordin dan Nurul Aini. (2025). Townscape: Heritage Site Revitalization. Kab. Bogor: Divya Media Pustaka.
Harvard Style
Wikantiyoso, Respati, Nadzirah Zainordin dan Nurul Aini, 2025, Townscape: Heritage Site Revitalization, Divya Media Pustaka, Kab. Bogor.
IEEE Style
Respati Wikantiyoso, Nadzirah Zainordin dan Nurul Aini. Townscape: Heritage Site Revitalization. Kab. Bogor: Divya Media Pustaka, 2025.

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