This comprehensive resource includes everything you need to understand diagnose and repair today s brake systems with confidence and prepare for ASE certification and career success as an automotive technician In addition to thorough coverage accurate and up to date details and abundant illustrations TODAY S TECHNICIAN AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEMS CLASSROOM AND SHOP MANUAL PRE PACK Seventh Edition offers a uniquely convenient two volume approach The first volume is a Classroom Manual covering the theory and application of the total brake system subsystem and components Volume two is a Shop Manual that explores real world symptoms diagnostics and repairs and is ideal for standalone use as a reference on the job In addition to aligning with the ASE Education Foundation 2017 accreditation model the Seventh Edition features job sheets correlated to specific MLR AST and MAST tasks and extensive information on new and emerging technology and techniques including hybrid vehicles brake by wire and electric brakes This comprehensive resource includes everything you need to understand diagnose and repair today s brake systems with confidence and prepare for ASE certification and career success as an automotive technician In addition to thorough coverage accurate and up to date details and abundant illustrations TODAY S TECHNICIAN AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEMS CLASSROOM ...AND SHOP MANUAL PRE PACK Seventh Edition offers a uniquely convenient two volume approach The first volume is a Classroom Manual covering the theory and application of the total brake system subsystem and components Volume two is a Shop Manual that explores real world symptoms diagnostics and repairs and is ideal for standalone use as a reference on the job In addition to aligning with the ASE Education Foundation 2017 accreditation model the Seventh Edition features job sheets correlated to specific MLR AST and MAST tasks and extensive information on new and emerging technology and techniques including hybrid vehicles brake by wire and electric brakes