The Writer's Way (with 2016 MLA Update Card)

The Writer's Way (with 2016 MLA Update Card)


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Deskripsi Buku

THE WRITER S WAY is based on two core principles 1 good writing begins when you know your audience and write for the right reasons and 2 knowing your audience and having good reasons to write will teach you everything you need to know about technique Based on a whole language approach THE WRITER S WAY Ninth Edition is a dynamic process centered paperback rhetoric with readings While this text is intended to be used in the classroom it s very much based on the concept that there is little difference between writing in school and writing in the real world Offering frank advice in a supportive encouraging tone the authors lead you step by step through the writing process from pre writing to polishing the final draft Each student text is packaged with a free Cengage Essential Reference Card to the MLA HANDBOOK Eighth Edition THE WRITER S WAY is based on two core principles 1 good writing begins when you know your audience and write for the right reasons and 2 knowing your audience and having good reasons to write will teach you everything you need to know about technique Based on a whole ...


MLA Style
Rawlins/Metzger. The Writer's Way (with 2016 MLA Update Card). : Cengage, 2015. Online.
Chicago Style
Rawlins/Metzger. The Writer's Way (with 2016 MLA Update Card). : Cengage, 2015.
Turabian Style
Rawlins/Metzger. The Writer's Way (with 2016 MLA Update Card). : Cengage, 2015.
APA Style
Rawlins/Metzger. (2015). The Writer's Way (with 2016 MLA Update Card). : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Rawlins/Metzger, 2015, The Writer's Way (with 2016 MLA Update Card), Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Rawlins/Metzger. The Writer's Way (with 2016 MLA Update Card). : Cengage, 2015.

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