The Protective Dragon (Naga Pelindung)

The Protective Dragon (Naga Pelindung)

Yohanes Mei Setiyanta

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Deskripsi Buku

There is a quarrel between Ducks and Buffaloes Formerly they mocked each other that ended up involving all two legged and four legged animals This quarrel caused Black Monkey being confused about which side he would be Will he side with the four legged animals Why are ducks and buffalo so hostile that they fight so badly Ada perseteruan panas antara Itik dan Kerbau Awalnya mereka saling ejek yang ujungnya melibatkan semua binatang berkaki dua dan berkaki empat Perseteruan tersebut berimbas pada kebimbangan Monyet Hitam tentang kepada siapa ia akan berpihak Akankah ia berpihak pada binatang binatang berkaki empat Mengapa pula Itik dan Kerbau bermusuhan sampai berseteru hebat There is a quarrel between Ducks and Buffaloes Formerly they mocked each other that ended up involving all two legged and four legged animals This quarrel caused Black Monkey being confused about which side he would be Will he side with the four legged animals Why are ducks and buffalo so ...


MLA Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei. The Protective Dragon (Naga Pelindung). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei. The Protective Dragon (Naga Pelindung). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2024.
Turabian Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei. The Protective Dragon (Naga Pelindung). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2024.
APA Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei. (2024). The Protective Dragon (Naga Pelindung). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya.
Harvard Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei, 2024, The Protective Dragon (Naga Pelindung), Ananta Vidya, Yogyakarta.
IEEE Style
Yohanes Mei Setiyanta. The Protective Dragon (Naga Pelindung). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2024.

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