The mighty sun wu kong

The mighty sun wu kong

Wahyudi Wijayanto

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Deskripsi Buku

In the far east in the middle of the ocean there is an island called Mountain of Flowers and Fruits And this mountain has high rocks From the beginning of the world this stone absorbed all the hidden seeds of heaven and earth the sun and the moon giving them supernatural and creative gifts One day the rock cracked and a stone egg came out And from this stone egg a stone monkey was hatched by magic Breaking the bowl he bowed in all directions In the far east in the middle of the ocean there is an island called Mountain of Flowers and Fruits And this mountain has high rocks From the beginning of the world this stone absorbed all the hidden seeds of heaven and earth the sun and the moon giving them supernatural ...


MLA Style
Wijayanto, Wahyudi. The mighty sun wu kong. Surabaya: Cv. Media Edukasi Creative, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Wijayanto, Wahyudi. The mighty sun wu kong. Surabaya: Cv. Media Edukasi Creative, 2022.
Turabian Style
Wijayanto, Wahyudi. The mighty sun wu kong. Surabaya: Cv. Media Edukasi Creative, 2022.
APA Style
Wijayanto, Wahyudi. (2022). The mighty sun wu kong. Surabaya: Cv. Media Edukasi Creative.
Harvard Style
Wijayanto, Wahyudi, 2022, The mighty sun wu kong, Cv. Media Edukasi Creative, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Wahyudi Wijayanto. The mighty sun wu kong. Surabaya: Cv. Media Edukasi Creative, 2022.

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