The Method for Measuring Diameter, Wave Amount and Wavelength of Brass Plated Tire Steel Cord Based on Computer Vision

The Method for Measuring Diameter, Wave Amount and Wavelength of Brass Plated Tire Steel Cord Based on Computer Vision

April Lia Hananto; Sarina Sulaiman; Sigit Widiyanto

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The wire that supports the tyre is an essential component in the production of truck and bus radial TBR vehicle tyres There are various types of tire wire available including brass plated tyre steel cord BPTSC When assessing the quality of steel straps experts typically rely on manual measurements of brass coated tires They use specialized measuring instruments such as micrometres to measure the diameter and profile projectors to measure the wave amount and wavelength These measurements are performed by experienced professionals The manual measurement process can lead to inaccuracies due to employee fatigue and low lighting conditions As a result the process often needs to be repeated which consumes additional time As technology continues to develop digital image processing techniques have been used to evaluate and identify data from digital photos in various industries One study used image processing to assess thread diameter resulting in an accuracy of 93 A computer vision based yarn measuring system can calculate the diameter fluctuation and thickness of the yarn in nets This technique can be applied to coloured yarn with a suitable background and can characterize the linear parameters of mass diameter and hairiness automatically It aims to predict the measurement accuracy of diameter wave energy and wavelength of BPTSC wire specifications dividing them into minimum and maximum rating standards The objectives of this book were to implement and evaluate an automatic segmentation technique for obtaining regions of interest to propose a BPTSC diameter wave amount and wavelength measurement model based on its edge and to evaluate the proposed model by comparing the results with standard and industrial measurement results Finally a new model was formed from the evaluation results that could solve the limitations in manual inspection and capturing distortion in image texture and provide scientific and beneficial contributions to society in general and the companies related to this industry The wire that supports the tyre is an essential component in the production of truck and bus radial TBR vehicle tyres There are various types of tire wire available including brass plated tyre steel cord BPTSC When assessing the quality of steel straps experts typically rely on manual measurements of brass ...


MLA Style
Hananto, April Lia, Sarina Sulaiman dan Sigit Widiyanto. The Method for Measuring Diameter, Wave Amount and Wavelength of Brass Plated Tire Steel Cord Based on Computer Vision. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Hananto, April Lia, Sarina Sulaiman dan Sigit Widiyanto. The Method for Measuring Diameter, Wave Amount and Wavelength of Brass Plated Tire Steel Cord Based on Computer Vision. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital, 2024.
Turabian Style
Hananto, April Lia, Sarina Sulaiman dan Sigit Widiyanto. The Method for Measuring Diameter, Wave Amount and Wavelength of Brass Plated Tire Steel Cord Based on Computer Vision. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital, 2024.
APA Style
Hananto, April Lia, Sarina Sulaiman dan Sigit Widiyanto. (2024). The Method for Measuring Diameter, Wave Amount and Wavelength of Brass Plated Tire Steel Cord Based on Computer Vision. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital.
Harvard Style
Hananto, April Lia, Sarina Sulaiman dan Sigit Widiyanto, 2024, The Method for Measuring Diameter, Wave Amount and Wavelength of Brass Plated Tire Steel Cord Based on Computer Vision, Deepublish Digital, Yogyakarta.
IEEE Style
April Lia Hananto, Sarina Sulaiman dan Sigit Widiyanto. The Method for Measuring Diameter, Wave Amount and Wavelength of Brass Plated Tire Steel Cord Based on Computer Vision. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital, 2024.

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