The Lion in Love

The Lion in Love


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Deskripsi Buku

A lion falls in love with a beautiful girl But the girl is afraid of the lion The lion asks the girl s father to let him marry the girl What can the father say Translate Seekor singa jatuh cinta pada seorang gadis cantik Tapi gadis itu takut pada singa Singa meminta ayah gadis itu untuk mengizinkannya menikahi gadis itu Apa yang bisa ayah katakan A lion falls in love with a beautiful girl But the girl is afraid of the lion The lion asks the girl s father to let him marry the girl What can the father say Translate Seekor singa jatuh cinta pada seorang gadis cantik Tapi gadis itu takut pada singa ...


MLA Style
Aesop. The Lion in Love. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Aesop. The Lion in Love. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024.
Turabian Style
Aesop. The Lion in Love. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024.
APA Style
Aesop. (2024). The Lion in Love. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future.
Harvard Style
Aesop, 2024, The Lion in Love, E-Future, Tangerang Selatan.
IEEE Style
Aesop. The Lion in Love. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024.

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