THE LEAST YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VOCABULARY BUILDING WORD ROOTS uses words you already know to show you how to develop your vocabulary You ll learn how to dissect words into their various roots which give you clues as to the definition of the whole words You ll become familiar with some of the most common word roots gain more confidence in guessing the meaning of unknown words and discover new words in the process Your new knowledge and skills will help you learn more easily as well as equip you with increased word power that you can use to good advantage when you write papers THE LEAST YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VOCABULARY BUILDING WORD ROOTS uses words you already know to show you how to develop your vocabulary You ll learn how to dissect words into their various roots which give you clues as to the definition of the whole words You ll become familiar with ...some of the most common word roots gain more confidence in guessing the meaning of unknown words and discover new words in the process Your new knowledge and skills will help you learn more easily as well as equip you with increased word power that you can use to good advantage when you write papers