The Kind-Hearted Bats (Kelelawar yang Baik Hati)

The Kind-Hearted Bats (Kelelawar yang Baik Hati)

Yohanes Mei Setiyanta

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Deskripsi Buku

There is a forest inhabited by various animals The name of the forest is Kalinga All animals live calmly peacefully and help each other However they have a very scary enemy He destroys anything as he wants who is the enemy and how do the Kalinga forest dwellers solve this problem Ada sebuah hutan yang dihuni oleh bermacam macam binatang Nama hutan tersebut Kalinga Semua binatang hidup tenang damai dan saling menolong satu sama yang lain Namun demikian mereka mempunyai musuh yang sangat menakutkan Ia merusak apapun sesuka hatinya Siapakah musuh tersebut dan bagaimanakah penghuni hutan Kalinga memecahkan permasalahan tersebut There is a forest inhabited by various animals The name of the forest is Kalinga All animals live calmly peacefully and help each other However they have a very scary enemy He destroys anything as he wants who is the enemy and how do the Kalinga forest dwellers solve this problem ...


MLA Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei. The Kind-Hearted Bats (Kelelawar yang Baik Hati). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei. The Kind-Hearted Bats (Kelelawar yang Baik Hati). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2024.
Turabian Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei. The Kind-Hearted Bats (Kelelawar yang Baik Hati). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2024.
APA Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei. (2024). The Kind-Hearted Bats (Kelelawar yang Baik Hati). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya.
Harvard Style
Setiyanta, Yohanes Mei, 2024, The Kind-Hearted Bats (Kelelawar yang Baik Hati), Ananta Vidya, Yogyakarta.
IEEE Style
Yohanes Mei Setiyanta. The Kind-Hearted Bats (Kelelawar yang Baik Hati). Yogyakarta: Ananta Vidya, 2024.

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