The Good Earth 5E; Introduction to Earth Science

The Good Earth 5E; Introduction to Earth Science

David Mcconnell, dkk

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xxi www mhhe com thegoodearth to West Point Military Academy where he taught physics After leav research and teaching scholarship at the institutional and national ing the service David returned to Cornell University to pursue his levels He and David McConnell were recognized together as National early geological interests at the Ph D level albeit in the field of geo Association of Geoscience Teachers Distinguished Speakers and travel physics He began his appointment at the University of Akron in 1999 the country making presentations about their educational research Several years ago David began employing student centered On a more personal note David frequently experiments with using learning techniques in his large introductory earth science classes He golf clubs as seismic energy sources and travels the country with his fam has extensive experience in using conceptual questions physical models ily with a goal of visiting every national park in the continental United and other active learning techniques His education research allowing States David brings military discipline to the team and is one of the prin him to identify at risk students very early in the course so that effective cipal geo science content writers David made this comment about his intervention can occur has produced scholarly publications in the Jour participation Writing this text has been both rewarding and humbling nal of Geoscience Education and numerous national and regional con That endeavor constantly reminded me how much I still have to learn ference presentations David has been recognized for his extensive about our planet xxi www mhhe com thegoodearth to West Point Military Academy where he taught physics After leav research and teaching scholarship at the institutional and national ing the service David returned to Cornell University to pursue his levels He and David McConnell were recognized together as National early geological interests at the ...


MLA Style
Mcconnell, David, dkk. The Good Earth 5E; Introduction to Earth Science. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021. Online.
Chicago Style
Mcconnell, David, dkk. The Good Earth 5E; Introduction to Earth Science. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.
Turabian Style
Mcconnell, David, dkk. The Good Earth 5E; Introduction to Earth Science. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.
APA Style
Mcconnell, David, dkk. (2021). The Good Earth 5E; Introduction to Earth Science. London: McGraw-Hill Education.
Harvard Style
Mcconnell, David, dkk, 2021, The Good Earth 5E; Introduction to Earth Science, McGraw-Hill Education, London.
IEEE Style
David Mcconnell, dkk. The Good Earth 5E; Introduction to Earth Science. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.

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