The Farm Rooster and the Weather Vane

The Farm Rooster and the Weather Vane

Julie Sormark

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Deskripsi Buku

An eggplant and a cucumbver argue over which is better the real rooster or the rooster shaped weather vane A storm comes and the weather vane is blown away Everyone agrees the vane was very brave Translate Terong dan mentimun berdebat mana yang lebih baik ayam jantan asli atau baling baling cuaca berbentuk ayam jago Badai datang dan penunjuk arah cuaca terhempas Semua orang setuju bahwa baling baling itu sangat berani An eggplant and a cucumbver argue over which is better the real rooster or the rooster shaped weather vane A storm comes and the weather vane is blown away Everyone agrees the vane was very brave Translate Terong dan mentimun berdebat mana yang lebih baik ayam jantan asli atau baling ...


MLA Style
Sormark, Julie. The Farm Rooster and the Weather Vane. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Sormark, Julie. The Farm Rooster and the Weather Vane. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024.
Turabian Style
Sormark, Julie. The Farm Rooster and the Weather Vane. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024.
APA Style
Sormark, Julie. (2024). The Farm Rooster and the Weather Vane. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future.
Harvard Style
Sormark, Julie, 2024, The Farm Rooster and the Weather Vane, E-Future, Tangerang Selatan.
IEEE Style
Julie Sormark. The Farm Rooster and the Weather Vane. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024.

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