The Enchanted Bluff

The Enchanted Bluff

Willa Cather

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Deskripsi Buku

Six young friends spend their summers playing and telling stories by a river Their favorite story is the story of the Enchanted Bluff The friends make plans to visit the bluff when they grow up Translate Enam teman muda menghabiskan musim panas mereka dengan bermain dan bercerita di tepi sungai Kisah favorit mereka adalah kisah Enchanted Bluff Teman temannya membuat rencana untuk mengunjungi tebing itu ketika mereka besar nanti Six young friends spend their summers playing and telling stories by a river Their favorite story is the story of the Enchanted Bluff The friends make plans to visit the bluff when they grow up Translate Enam teman muda menghabiskan musim panas mereka dengan bermain dan bercerita di tepi sungai ...


MLA Style
Cather, Willa. The Enchanted Bluff. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Cather, Willa. The Enchanted Bluff. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024.
Turabian Style
Cather, Willa. The Enchanted Bluff. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024.
APA Style
Cather, Willa. (2024). The Enchanted Bluff. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future.
Harvard Style
Cather, Willa, 2024, The Enchanted Bluff, E-Future, Tangerang Selatan.
IEEE Style
Willa Cather. The Enchanted Bluff. Tangerang Selatan: E-Future, 2024.

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