What Is etap and What Is It For The electrical power system is a system that studies electrical aspects in the field of power generation transmission or distribution and distribution 1 If we want to design an electrical power system modelling Chapter 1 is required 2 Why modelling Because an electrical power system or its components are very large and expensive Therefore to simplify the analysis of an electrical power system a mathematical calculation is needed that represents an electrical transmission or distribution system 3 However another problem arises that is the more systems are used the more mathematical technical analysis or modelling is needed 1What Is etap and What Is It For The electrical power system is a system that studies electrical aspects in the field of power generation transmission or distribution and distribution 1 If we want to design an electrical power system modelling Chapter 1 is required 2 Why modelling Because an electrical ...power system or its components are very large and expensive Therefore to simplify the analysis of an electrical power system a mathematical calculation is needed that represents an electrical transmission or distribution system 3 However another problem arises that is the more systems are used the more mathematical technical analysis or modelling is needed 1