The Changing Earth

The Changing Earth


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THE CHANGING EARTH EXPLORING GEOLOGY AND EVOLUTION is a leader in the Introductory Geology course Three interrelated themes plate tectonics organic evolution and geologic time help you understand that Earth is a complex integrated and continually changing system In the new edition authors James S Monroe and Reed Wicander integrate new content emphasizing the economic impacts of geology Topics such as fracking nuclear waste and the threat of earthquakes are covered in new Geo Impact boxes that stress real world applications Lauded for their clear writing style the authors go beyond simply explaining geology and its processes rather they place that knowledge within the context of human experience by consistently emphasizing relevance resources and the environment THE CHANGING EARTH EXPLORING GEOLOGY AND EVOLUTION is a leader in the Introductory Geology course Three interrelated themes plate tectonics organic evolution and geologic time help you understand that Earth is a complex integrated and continually changing system In the new edition authors James S Monroe and Reed Wicander integrate new ...


MLA Style
Monroe/Wicander. The Changing Earth. : Cengage, 2015. Online.
Chicago Style
Monroe/Wicander. The Changing Earth. : Cengage, 2015.
Turabian Style
Monroe/Wicander. The Changing Earth. : Cengage, 2015.
APA Style
Monroe/Wicander. (2015). The Changing Earth. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Monroe/Wicander, 2015, The Changing Earth, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Monroe/Wicander. The Changing Earth. : Cengage, 2015.

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