Stephen E Lucas; Paul Stob

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1 Speaking in Public The Power of Public Speaking The Tradition of Public Speaking Similarities Between Public Speaking and Conversation Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation Developing Confidence Your Speech Class Public Speaking and Critical Thinking The Speech Communication Process Public Speaking in a Multicultural World G rowing up in Oklahoma Josh Shipp had no intention of becoming a public speaker Abandoned by his birth mother Shipp bounced around the foster care system for most of his childhood Neglected and abused he became addicted to drugs tried to take his own life and ended up in jail Then at age 17 at his lowest point his foster parent told him We dont see you as a problem we see you as an opportunity It dawned upon Josh that his life mattered He realized that one caring adult was all it took to change someones life Since that time he has devoted himself to helping the hopeless He became an advocate for children in foster care and began working with at risk teenagers Today he is a nationally recognized teen expert who has been praised for his ability to help kids and parents alike work through tough situations How has Josh achieved all this Partly through his determination partly through his dedication to helping others and partly through his passion for life But also essential is his ability to communicate with people through public speaking In a TEDx Talk that has been viewed online more than 4 million times Josh shared his story of growing up in the foster care system and of realizing that his life had meaning But he also challenged his audience by telling them The difference between a statistic and a success story is you With this line Josh turned his personal experience into a call for others to help improve the world 21 Speaking in Public The Power of Public Speaking The Tradition of Public Speaking Similarities Between Public Speaking and Conversation Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation Developing Confidence Your Speech Class Public Speaking and Critical Thinking The Speech Communication Process Public Speaking in a Multicultural World G rowing up in Oklahoma ...


MLA Style
Lucas, Stephen E dan Paul Stob. THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020. Online.
Chicago Style
Lucas, Stephen E dan Paul Stob. THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020.
Turabian Style
Lucas, Stephen E dan Paul Stob. THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020.
APA Style
Lucas, Stephen E dan Paul Stob. (2020). THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. London: McGraw-Hill Education.
Harvard Style
Lucas, Stephen E dan Paul Stob, 2020, THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING, McGraw-Hill Education, London.
IEEE Style
Stephen E Lucas dan Paul Stob. THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020.

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