The integration of technology at learning process at SMK N 1 Sedayu quite less The purpose of this research was to analysis the E book quality In this research the researcher analyze the E book feasibility of E book The feasibility aspects were Availability Customization Display Portability and Usability The research was using descriptive quantitative method according to theories of E book standard quality The analysis of E book passed through 1 Implementation of E book and 2 Analysis of E book This research was held from December 5th up to December 17th 2011 The data were collected in SMK Negeri 1 Sedayu The respondents were 30 students from grade X of Computer and Network Engineering Data collection for Usability used questionnaire with a 5 scale answer The result of interpretation from quantitative value was then converted into qualitative description value The average score of students interpretation was 3 91 and this E book was a Good E book The integration of technology at learning process at SMK N 1 Sedayu quite less The purpose of this research was to analysis the E book quality In this research the researcher analyze the E book feasibility of E book The feasibility aspects were Availability Customization Display Portability and Usability The research ...was using descriptive quantitative method according to theories of E book standard quality The analysis of E book passed through 1 Implementation of E book and 2 Analysis of E book This research was held from December 5th up to December 17th 2011 The data were collected in SMK Negeri 1 Sedayu The respondents were 30 students from grade X of Computer and Network Engineering Data collection for Usability used questionnaire with a 5 scale answer The result of interpretation from quantitative value was then converted into qualitative description value The average score of students interpretation was 3 91 and this E book was a Good E book