Terrorism and Homeland Security

Terrorism and Homeland Security

Gary C. White, MEd, RRT, RPFT

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Packed with engrossing examples and the most cutting edge coverage available best selling TERRORISM AND HOMELAND SECURITY provides a theoretical and conceptual framework that enables you to understand how terrorism arises and how it functions Acclaimed national terrorism expert Jonathan R White discusses the theories of the world s best terrorist analysts while focusing on the domestic and international threat of terrorism and basic security issues You ll learn about the essential historical background on the phenomenon of terrorism and the roots of contemporary conflicts current conflicts shaping the world stage emerging groups i e Boko Haram Ansaru and ISIS and theoretical and concrete information about Homeland Security organizations Each chapter also contains a new analysis of probable future trends in terrorism and security The analysis of homeland security also discusses controversies surrounding human rights and protecting civil liberties What s more the MindTap that accompanies this text helps students practice and master techniques and key concepts while engaging them with video cases career scenarios visual summaries and more Packed with engrossing examples and the most cutting edge coverage available best selling TERRORISM AND HOMELAND SECURITY provides a theoretical and conceptual framework that enables you to understand how terrorism arises and how it functions Acclaimed national terrorism expert Jonathan R White discusses the theories of the world s best terrorist ...


MLA Style
White. Terrorism and Homeland Security. : Cengage, 2017. Online.
Chicago Style
White. Terrorism and Homeland Security. : Cengage, 2017.
Turabian Style
White. Terrorism and Homeland Security. : Cengage, 2017.
APA Style
White. (2017). Terrorism and Homeland Security. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
White, 2017, Terrorism and Homeland Security, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
White. Terrorism and Homeland Security. : Cengage, 2017.

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