Stress Management for Life

Stress Management for Life

Olpin, Hesson

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Deskripsi Buku

Experience personal wellness with STRESS MANAGEMENT FOR LIFE 4e This proven book emphasizes experiential learning clearly explains the how to of stress management and prevention and encourages you to personalize text information through practical applications and a tool box of stress reducing resources including activities and online stress relief audio files More than just a book about stress this book offers you a life changing experience Well researched and engaging the book gives stress related topics a real life context and motivateS you to manage stress in a way that accommodates your lifestyle values and goals Experience personal wellness with STRESS MANAGEMENT FOR LIFE 4e This proven book emphasizes experiential learning clearly explains the how to of stress management and prevention and encourages you to personalize text information through practical applications and a tool box of stress reducing resources including activities and online stress relief audio files ...


MLA Style
Olpin/Hesson. Stress Management for Life. : Cengage, 2016. Online.
Chicago Style
Olpin/Hesson. Stress Management for Life. : Cengage, 2016.
Turabian Style
Olpin/Hesson. Stress Management for Life. : Cengage, 2016.
APA Style
Olpin/Hesson. (2016). Stress Management for Life. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Olpin/Hesson, 2016, Stress Management for Life, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Olpin/Hesson. Stress Management for Life. : Cengage, 2016.

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