Chapter 1 Sampling and Descriptive Statistics Introduction The collection and analysis of data are fundamental to science and engineering Scientists discover the principles that govern the physical world and engineers learn how to design important new products and processes by analyzing data collected in scientic experiments A major difficulty with scientic data is that they are subject to random variation or uncertainty That is when scientic measurements are repeated they come out somewhat dierently each time This poses a problem How can one draw conclusions from the results of an experiment when those results could have come out dierently To address this question a knowledge of statistics is essential Statistics is the eld of study concerned with the collection analysis and interpretation of uncertain data The methods of statistics allow scientists and engineers to design valid experiments and to draw reliable conclusions from the data they produce Although our emphasis in this book is on the applications of statistics to science and engineering it is worth mentioning that the analysis and interpretation of data are playing an ever increasing role in all aspects of modern life For better or worse huge amounts of data are collected about our opinions and our lifestyles for purposes ranging from the creation of more eective marketing campaigns to the development of social policies designed to improve our way of life On almost any given day newspaper articles are published that purport to explain social or economic trends through the analysis of data A basic knowledge of statistics is therefore necessary not only to be an eective scientist or engineer but also to be a well informed member of society The Basic Idea The basic idea behind all statistical methods of data analysis is to make inferences about a population by studying a relatively small sample chosen from it As an illustration 1Chapter 1 Sampling and Descriptive Statistics Introduction The collection and analysis of data are fundamental to science and engineering Scientists discover the principles that govern the physical world and engineers learn how to design important new products and processes by analyzing data collected in scientic experiments A major difficulty with scientic is that they are subject to random variation or uncertainty That is when scientic measurements are repeated they come out somewhat dierently each time This poses a problem How can one draw conclusions from the results of an experiment when those results could have come out dierently To address this question a knowledge of statistics is essential Statistics is the eld of study concerned with the collection analysis and interpretation of uncertain data The methods of statistics allow scientists and engineers to design valid experiments and to draw reliable conclusions from the data they produce Although our emphasis in this book is on the applications of statistics to science and engineering it is worth mentioning that the analysis and interpretation of data are playing an ever increasing role in all aspects of modern life For better or worse huge amounts of data are collected about our opinions and our lifestyles for purposes ranging from the creation of more eective marketing campaigns to the development of social policies designed to improve our way of life On almost any given day newspaper articles are published that purport to explain social or economic trends through the analysis of data A basic knowledge of statistics is therefore necessary not only to be an eective scientist or engineer but also to be a well informed member of society The Basic Idea The basic idea behind all statistical methods of data analysis is to make inferences about a population by studying a relatively small sample chosen from it As an illustration 1