Serial Murderers and Their Victims

Serial Murderers and Their Victims


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This text provides an in depth scholarly examination of serial murderers and their victims Supported by extensive data and research the book profiles some of the most prominent murderers of our time addressing the highest profile serial killer type the sexual predator as well as a wide variety of other types male female team healthcare and serial killers from outside the U S Author Eric Hickey examines the lives of over 400 serial murderers analyzing the cultural historical and religious factors that influence our myths and stereotypes of these individuals He describes the biological psychological and sociological reasons for serial murder and discusses profiling and other law enforcement issues related to the apprehension and disposition of serial killers This text provides an in depth scholarly examination of serial murderers and their victims Supported by extensive data and research the book profiles some of the most prominent murderers of our time addressing the highest profile serial killer type the sexual predator as well as a wide variety of other types ...


MLA Style
Hickey. Serial Murderers and Their Victims. : Cengage, 2016. Online.
Chicago Style
Hickey. Serial Murderers and Their Victims. : Cengage, 2016.
Turabian Style
Hickey. Serial Murderers and Their Victims. : Cengage, 2016.
APA Style
Hickey. (2016). Serial Murderers and Their Victims. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Hickey, 2016, Serial Murderers and Their Victims, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Hickey. Serial Murderers and Their Victims. : Cengage, 2016.

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