Sentence-Based Writing

Sentence-Based Writing

Lutfi Ashar Mauludin; Triubaida Maya Ardianti

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Deskripsi Buku

This book aims to guide the learners to compose writing from the very basic one sentence There will be several explanations and examples on how to write good sentences The core of composing effective sentences is to avoid the incorrect use of grammatical features and structures The explanation from this book is started from the least complex to the most complex one to assist learners in avoiding meaningless and incomprehensible sentences This book aims to guide the learners to compose writing from the very basic one sentence There will be several explanations and examples on how to write good sentences The core of composing effective sentences is to avoid the incorrect use of grammatical features and structures The explanation from this book ...


MLA Style
Mauludin, Lutfi Ashar dan Triubaida Maya Ardianti. Sentence-Based Writing. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Mauludin, Lutfi Ashar dan Triubaida Maya Ardianti. Sentence-Based Writing. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2022.
Turabian Style
Mauludin, Lutfi Ashar dan Triubaida Maya Ardianti. Sentence-Based Writing. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2022.
APA Style
Mauludin, Lutfi Ashar dan Triubaida Maya Ardianti. (2022). Sentence-Based Writing. Surabaya: Unair Press.
Harvard Style
Mauludin, Lutfi Ashar dan Triubaida Maya Ardianti, 2022, Sentence-Based Writing, Unair Press, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Lutfi Ashar Mauludin dan Triubaida Maya Ardianti. Sentence-Based Writing. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2022.

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