Running A Company Under Indonesian Laws

Running A Company Under Indonesian Laws

Bagus SD Nur Buwono; Sulistiowati

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Deskripsi Buku

This book is the result of a rare collaboration between an academic and a corporate lawyer with recognized expertise in the field of corporate law So this book has a distinctive feature as it provides egual coverage of both theoretical and practical sides about various forms of business entities operating under the Indonesian laws Moreover apart from having a comparative approach with other jurisdictions it also discusses the relevant Indonesian court decisions to provide additional perspective on how the judges interpret the provisions on the company laws Thus the readers will get a comprehensive and unparallel legal perspective of these business entities Furthermore this book has reflected the latest legal developments including after the enactment of the first Omnibus Law in Indonesia on job creation in November 2020 The establishment of a business entity in Indonesia including business licensing is rarely discussed in a comprehensive book This book offers this effort to readers especially investors to fully understand and be updated on how the establishment registration and licensing process for a business entity are carried out Although this book is informative at first glance the authors in each chapter provide critical analysis of the present law and practice to enable the readers to Understand the differences risks and tensions related to a particular form of business entity and corporate governance So this book is also suitable for those who want to keep abreast of new developments in this field This book is the result of a rare collaboration between an academic and a corporate lawyer with recognized expertise in the field of corporate law So this book has a distinctive feature as it provides egual coverage of both theoretical and practical sides about various forms of business entities operating under ...


MLA Style
Buwono, Bagus SD Nur dan Sulistiowati. Running A Company Under Indonesian Laws. Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2021. Online.
Chicago Style
Buwono, Bagus SD Nur dan Sulistiowati. Running A Company Under Indonesian Laws. Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2021.
Turabian Style
Buwono, Bagus SD Nur dan Sulistiowati, Running A Company Under Indonesian Laws. Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2021.
APA Style
Buwono, Bagus SD Nur dan Sulistiowati. (2021). Running A Company Under Indonesian Laws. Depok: Rajawali Pers.
Harvard Style
Buwono, Bagus SD Nur dan Sulistiowati, 2021, Running A Company Under Indonesian Laws, Rajawali Pers, Depok.
IEEE Style
Bagus SD Nur Buwono dan Sulistiowati, Running A Company Under Indonesian Laws. Depok: Rajawali Pers, 2021.

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