Rock and Roll: An Introduction

Rock and Roll: An Introduction


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Deskripsi Buku

ROCK AND ROLL AN INTRODUCTION 3rd Edition has been completely reconceived and rewritten to take advantage of online delivery of recorded music The discussion in this edition is even more focused on rock as music and stresses perceptive listening This in turn permits more extensive discussion of stylistic connections and contrasts and ways in which the music reflects and shapes society and culture An extensive and representative play list of 115 rock era songs is discussed ROCK AND ROLL AN INTRODUCTION 3rd Edition has been completely reconceived and rewritten to take advantage of online delivery of recorded music The discussion in this edition is even more focused on rock as music and stresses perceptive listening This in turn permits more extensive discussion of stylistic connections and contrasts ...


MLA Style
Campbell. Rock and Roll: An Introduction. United States of America: Cengage, 2019. Online.
Chicago Style
Campbell. Rock and Roll: An Introduction. United States of America: Cengage, 2019.
Turabian Style
Campbell. Rock and Roll: An Introduction. United States of America: Cengage, 2019.
APA Style
Campbell. (2019). Rock and Roll: An Introduction. United States of America: Cengage.
Harvard Style
Campbell, 2019, Rock and Roll: An Introduction, Cengage, United States of America.
IEEE Style
Campbell. Rock and Roll: An Introduction. United States of America: Cengage, 2019.

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