Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences

Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences


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Deskripsi Buku

Appropriate for social science students this text offers comprehensive coverage of both experimental and non experimental methods You ll find succinct explanations for a full range of methods including descriptive correlational experimental and quasi experimental research designs Practical tips and applications integrated throughout the text allow you to make real world connections and effectively learn and understand the material Appropriate for social science students this text offers comprehensive coverage of both experimental and non experimental methods You ll find succinct explanations for a full range of methods including descriptive correlational experimental and quasi experimental research designs Practical tips and applications integrated throughout the text allow you to make real world ...


MLA Style
Stangor. Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. : Cengage, 2015. Online.
Chicago Style
Stangor. Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. : Cengage, 2015.
Turabian Style
Stangor. Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. : Cengage, 2015.
APA Style
Stangor. (2015). Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Stangor, 2015, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Stangor. Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. : Cengage, 2015.

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