Succeed in your real estate law course with REAL ESTATE LAW 9th Edition This proven text combines practical legal examples with theory and case law to give you a comprehensive picture of the field Rather than using a state specific format the book covers real estate law generally offering discussions short case summaries longer teaching cases exhibits and practical applications that help you spot the issues apply legal principles to realistic situations and recognize when to consult an attorney Coverage of ethical concerns and public policy matters helps you understand key issues relating to real estate law Succeed in your real estate law course with REAL ESTATE LAW 9th Edition This proven text combines practical legal examples with theory and case law to give you a comprehensive picture of the field Rather than using a state specific format the book covers real estate law generally offering discussions short summaries longer teaching cases exhibits and practical applications that help you spot the issues apply legal principles to realistic situations and recognize when to consult an attorney Coverage of ethical concerns and public policy matters helps you understand key issues relating to real estate law