Table of Contents FOREWORD iii Table Of Contents iv Unit 1 Summarizing The Readings 1 Unit 2 Abstract The Readings 5 Unit 3 Annotating The Readings 9 Unit 4 Reflection The Readings 19 Unit 5 Biography The Readings 29 Unit 6 Autobiography The Readings 41 Unit 7 Comedy Drama The Readings 49 Unit 8 Tragedy Drama The Readings 53 Unit 9 Headline News The Readings 71 Unit 10 Feature The Readings 79 Unit 11 Scientific Report Science The Readings 91 Unit 12 Preparation Of Research Report The Readings 99 References 103 About The Author 105 iv iv READING FOR PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT UNIT 1 SUMMARIZING THE READINGS The reading strategy of summarizing is very important for students to learn in their primary years of school The definition of summarizing is when we take large selections of text and reduce them making sure to include the main points and the general idea of the article Jones 2012 The purpose of this strategy is to pull out the main ideas out of the passage and focus on the key details An example of where this strategy could be found would be in a textbook At the end of almost every chapter there is a short half page summary that gives you the main ideas that was introduced within the chapter Another example of summarizing in the real world would be if you read a story out loud to students and stop in the middle of the story and ask a student what has happened so far in the book The student is summarizing it verbally to you and giving you an idea of what the student as learned thus far A student could summarize a text both orally and visually Make a summary is an activity that we normally do as students especially in making brief notes of books essays or articles from magazines and newspapers To 1 READING FOR PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT 1Table of Contents FOREWORD iii Table Of Contents iv Unit 1 Summarizing The Readings 1 Unit 2 Abstract The Readings 5 Unit 3 Annotating The Readings ... 9 Unit 4 Reflection The Readings 19 Unit 5 Biography The Readings 29 Unit 6 Autobiography The Readings 41 Unit 7 Comedy Drama The Readings 49 Unit 8 Tragedy Drama The Readings 53 Unit 9 Headline News The Readings 71 Unit 10 Feature The Readings 79 Unit 11 Scientific Report Science The Readings 91 Unit 12 Preparation Of Research Report The Readings 99 References 103 About The Author 105 iv iv READING FOR PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT UNIT 1 SUMMARIZING THE READINGS The reading strategy of summarizing is very important for students to learn in their primary years of school The definition of summarizing is when we take large selections of text and reduce them making sure to include the main points and the general idea of the article Jones 2012 The purpose of this strategy is to pull out the main ideas out of the passage and focus on the key details An example of where this strategy could be found would be in a textbook At the end of almost every chapter there is a short half page summary that gives you the main ideas that was introduced within the chapter Another example of summarizing in the real world would be if you read a story out loud to students and stop in the middle of the story and ask a student what has happened so far in the book The student is summarizing it verbally to you and giving you an idea of what the student as learned thus far A student could summarize a text both orally and visually Make a summary is an activity that we normally do as students especially in making brief notes of books essays or articles from magazines and newspapers To 1 READING FOR PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT 1