The reform era brings fundamental changes in various fields including educational life One of the fundamental changes being carried out by the Ministry of Religion of Republic Indonesia is the improvement of Arabic language education quality by strategic management based within State Islamic Higher Educations PTKIN This was officially conveyed by the Minister of Religion of Republic Indonesia Surya Dharma Ali 2009 2014 period who stated that One of the main tasks for UIN is to maintain and enhance scientific traditions in the fields of Arabic education and Islamic studies that are decreasingly demanding by the younger generation So PTKIN must be more serious systematic and innovative in developing the quality of Arabic language education as well as PTKIN graduates must be able to be competitive In an effort to make this happen this book is published in the form of a an interdisciplinary study developed from the author s experience as an educator in the field of Arabic learning This noble task is part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which must be carried out every year thoroughly and well Interdisciplinary studies aims to analyze the relevance between the sciences of the study program and the latest issues in the world of education The issue that is currently being discussed is the transformation of the State Islamic Religious University a k a PTKIN into a Public Service Agency a k a BLU This metamorphosis has made UIN Maliki Malang and UIN Satu Tulungagung become universities that are more independent in terms of budgeting more cooperative in the field of scientific development and more creative in carrying out politics and policies It is proven by the many achievements that have been achieved by the two universities in the academic and non academic fields The reform era brings fundamental changes in various fields including educational life One of the fundamental changes being carried out by the Ministry of Religion of Republic Indonesia is the improvement of Arabic language education quality by strategic management based within State Islamic Higher Educations PTKIN This was officially conveyed by ...the Minister of Religion of Republic Indonesia Surya Dharma Ali 2009 2014 period who stated that One of the main tasks for UIN is to maintain and enhance scientific traditions in the fields of Arabic education and Islamic studies that are decreasingly demanding by the younger generation So PTKIN must be more serious systematic and innovative in developing the quality of Arabic language education as well as PTKIN graduates must be able to be competitive In an effort to make this happen this book is published in the form of a an interdisciplinary study developed from the author s experience as an educator in the field of Arabic learning This noble task is part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which must be carried out every year thoroughly and well Interdisciplinary studies aims to analyze the relevance between the sciences of the study program and the latest issues in the world of education The issue that is currently being discussed is the transformation of the State Islamic Religious University a k a PTKIN into a Public Service Agency a k a BLU This metamorphosis has made UIN Maliki Malang and UIN Satu Tulungagung become universities that are more independent in terms of budgeting more cooperative in the field of scientific development and more creative in carrying out politics and policies It is proven by the many achievements that have been achieved by the two universities in the academic and non academic fields