Master the basics of psychopharmacology with PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Second Edition Concise yet comprehensive this counseling text covers the basic principles of psychopharmacology commonly prescribed psychotropic drugs for adults and psychotropic medications prescribed to children Psychological cultural and social issues related to psychopharmacology are also addressed Numerous case examples study questions bolded key terms and a glossary help you understand and applying the material Practical information about how to talk with clients about medication and compliance as well as hands on information about how to approach collaboration with prescribing professionals prepares you to apply what you have learned to practice This edition includes new material on psychosocial treatments that complement the most prescribed medications expanded discussion of medication of children and the elderly a new chapter on drug replacement therapies reference to changes in the DSM 5 and more Master the basics of psychopharmacology with PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Second Edition Concise yet comprehensive this counseling text covers the basic principles of psychopharmacology commonly prescribed psychotropic drugs for adults and psychotropic medications prescribed to children Psychological cultural and social issues related to psychopharmacology are also addressed Numerous case examples questions bolded key terms and a glossary help you understand and applying the material Practical information about how to talk with clients about medication and compliance as well as hands on information about how to approach collaboration with prescribing professionals prepares you to apply what you have learned to practice This edition includes new material on psychosocial treatments that complement the most prescribed medications expanded discussion of medication of children and the elderly a new chapter on drug replacement therapies reference to changes in the DSM 5 and more