Proceeding Of International Webinar On Islamic Education And Counseling

Proceeding Of International Webinar On Islamic Education And Counseling

Alfin Siregar; dkk

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Deskripsi Buku

It is hoped that thus international webinar will be able ro strengthen the idea of wahdatul ulum in developing knowledge in the field of guidance and counseling in islamic education and its integration into other sciencesIt is hoped that thus international webinar will be able ro strengthen the idea of wahdatul ulum in developing knowledge in the field of guidance and counseling in islamic education and its integration into other sciences


MLA Style
Siregar, Alfin, dkk. Proceeding Of International Webinar On Islamic Education And Counseling. Medan: UMSU Press, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
Siregar, Alfin, dkk. Proceeding Of International Webinar On Islamic Education And Counseling. Medan: UMSU Press, 2023.
Turabian Style
Siregar, Alfin, dkk. Proceeding Of International Webinar On Islamic Education And Counseling. Medan: UMSU Press, 2023.
APA Style
Siregar, Alfin, dkk. (2023). Proceeding Of International Webinar On Islamic Education And Counseling. Medan: UMSU Press.
Harvard Style
Siregar, Alfin, dkk, 2023, Proceeding Of International Webinar On Islamic Education And Counseling, UMSU Press, Medan.
IEEE Style
Alfin Siregar, dkk. Proceeding Of International Webinar On Islamic Education And Counseling. Medan: UMSU Press, 2023.

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