Principles of Cost Accounting

Principles of Cost Accounting


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Discover how readable real and relevant cost accounting can be with PRINCIPLES OF COST ACCOUNTING 17E This edition packs the essentials you need to know for your future in a unique 10 chapter format that is well organized practical and concise You gain a thorough understanding of cost concepts cost behavior and cost accounting techniques as they apply to manufacturing and service businesses To ensure your understanding the book introduces concepts in small manageable sections that are immediately reinforced with proven questions demonstration problems practice exercises and self study quizzes You master the fundamentals of job order costing and process costing before progressing to more advanced topics such as budgeting standard costing and variance analysis costing for service businesses and cost analysis for management decisions Focus on the skills that will take you far in today s competitive job market as you learn how to determine the costs of products and services and how to set effective selling prices Learn techniques to measure the performance of managers and discover how to use accounting to achieve organization s goals Find the relevant approach you need with the most up to date presentation of accounting skills in PRINCIPLES OF COST ACCOUNTING 17E and corresponding CengageNOW online homework tools Discover how readable real and relevant cost accounting can be with PRINCIPLES OF COST ACCOUNTING 17E This edition packs the essentials you need to know for your future in a unique 10 chapter format that is well organized practical and concise You gain a thorough understanding of cost concepts cost behavior ...


MLA Style
Vanderbeck/Mitchell. Principles of Cost Accounting. : Cengage, 2016. Online.
Chicago Style
Vanderbeck/Mitchell. Principles of Cost Accounting. : Cengage, 2016.
Turabian Style
Vanderbeck/Mitchell. Principles of Cost Accounting. : Cengage, 2016.
APA Style
Vanderbeck/Mitchell. (2016). Principles of Cost Accounting. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Vanderbeck/Mitchell, 2016, Principles of Cost Accounting, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Vanderbeck/Mitchell. Principles of Cost Accounting. : Cengage, 2016.

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