Pre-Modern East Asia

Pre-Modern East Asia


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Deskripsi Buku

Both comprehensive and captivating PRE MODERN EAST ASIA A CULTURAL SOCIAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY VOLUME I To 1800 3E features the latest scholarship on the cultural political economic and intellectual history of China Japan and Korea giving special emphasis to gender and material culture Full color inserts on such topics as food clothing and art objects illustrate the rich artistic heritage of East Asia A range of primary source documents is included throughout while intriguing biographical sketches highlight the lives of popular figures as well as ordinary people In addition insightful Connections features provide an international context for the history of East Asia exploring topics like the origin and spread of Buddhism Both comprehensive and captivating PRE MODERN EAST ASIA A CULTURAL SOCIAL AND POLITICAL HISTORY VOLUME I To 1800 3E features the latest scholarship on the cultural political economic and intellectual history of China Japan and Korea giving special emphasis to gender and material culture Full color inserts on such topics as ...


MLA Style
Ebrey/Walthall. Pre-Modern East Asia. : Cengage, 2014. Online.
Chicago Style
Ebrey/Walthall. Pre-Modern East Asia. : Cengage, 2014.
Turabian Style
Ebrey/Walthall. Pre-Modern East Asia. : Cengage, 2014.
APA Style
Ebrey/Walthall. (2014). Pre-Modern East Asia. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Ebrey/Walthall, 2014, Pre-Modern East Asia, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Ebrey/Walthall. Pre-Modern East Asia. : Cengage, 2014.

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