Practicing College Learning Strategies

Practicing College Learning Strategies


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PRACTICING COLLEGE LEARNING STRATEGIES Seventh Edition is a practical guide set to help you make a smooth transition to the first year of college The text and activities are thoughtfully constructed using strategies supported by brain research and neuroscience Structured activities and practices guide you in the reflection process to make the information personal and useful By combining practical application with learning strategies theory PRACTICING COLLEGE LEARNING STRATEGIES is a motivational tool teaching you how to learn The author focuses on putting you in the driver s seat teaching you how to use all of the tools at your disposal so you ll succeed in college and beyond PRACTICING COLLEGE LEARNING STRATEGIES Seventh Edition is a practical guide set to help you make a smooth transition to the first year of college The text and activities are thoughtfully constructed using strategies supported by brain research and neuroscience Structured activities and practices guide you in the reflection process to make ...


MLA Style
Hopper. Practicing College Learning Strategies. : Cengage, 2016. Online.
Chicago Style
Hopper. Practicing College Learning Strategies. : Cengage, 2016.
Turabian Style
Hopper. Practicing College Learning Strategies. : Cengage, 2016.
APA Style
Hopper. (2016). Practicing College Learning Strategies. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Hopper, 2016, Practicing College Learning Strategies, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Hopper. Practicing College Learning Strategies. : Cengage, 2016.

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