Positive Child Guidance

Positive Child Guidance


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Deskripsi Buku

POSITIVE CHILD GUIDANCE Eighth Edition equips teachers and caregivers with information on how to guide manage and cope with the behavior of children The book provides insight into children s efforts to understand their own emerging needs and feelings while coping with adult expectations The author outlines workable steps for creating a cooperative respectful community of children and adults with special emphasis on sensitivity to cultural needs cultural differences and developmentally appropriate practice You ll also find a range of practical effective and flexible guidance strategies based on principles of straightforward communication and assertiveness POSITIVE CHILD GUIDANCE Eighth Edition equips teachers and caregivers with information on how to guide manage and cope with the behavior of children The book provides insight into children s efforts to understand their own emerging needs and feelings while coping with adult expectations The author outlines workable steps for creating ...


MLA Style
Miller. Positive Child Guidance. : Cengage, 2016. Online.
Chicago Style
Miller. Positive Child Guidance. : Cengage, 2016.
Turabian Style
Miller. Positive Child Guidance. : Cengage, 2016.
APA Style
Miller. (2016). Positive Child Guidance. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Miller, 2016, Positive Child Guidance, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Miller. Positive Child Guidance. : Cengage, 2016.

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