

M.G Sriningsih

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Deskripsi Buku

Poetry is one of the compulsory subjects in English Literature Department in Indonesian universities In this subject students of literature are required to understand aspects of Poetry and to be able to analyze English poems This book provides theory of Poetry as well as examples of analyzing poetry The materials are taken from some sources especially from How to Analayze Poetry by Christopher Russell Reaske Other sources from some other books are taken to complete its content It is hoped that the students can understand poetry better by reading this book However the writer realize that this book is still far from being perfect So suggestions for the betterment of this book are always welcome Poetry is one of the compulsory subjects in English Literature Department in Indonesian universities In this subject students of literature are required to understand aspects of Poetry and to be able to analyze English poems This book provides theory of Poetry as well as examples of analyzing poetry The materials are ...


MLA Style
Sriningsih, M.G. Poetry. Malang: Media Nusa Creative, 2017. Online.
Chicago Style
Sriningsih, M.G. Poetry. Malang: Media Nusa Creative, 2017.
Turabian Style
Sriningsih, M.G, Poetry. Malang: Media Nusa Creative, 2017.
APA Style
Sriningsih, M.G. (2017). Poetry. Malang: Media Nusa Creative.
Harvard Style
Sriningsih, M.G, 2017, Poetry, Media Nusa Creative, Malang.
IEEE Style
M.G Sriningsih, Poetry. Malang: Media Nusa Creative, 2017.

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